Zdarzyło się w Polsce (Once upon a time in Poland)
Wydawnictwo Literatura 2016 - 2018
Wydawnictwo Literatura asked me to not only provide the illustrations for all the five books in the series, but also to design the series as a whole. One element that had to be present on almost every page was a timeline - a very useful device for the young readers to visualise all the historical events taking place in every book. Another recurring theme is the font I have used throughout the whole series: Metamorphous, a mix of different historical letter shapes, that goes very well with the other historic fonts used in each of the books. Also present in the background on each cover is the Polish eagle, though each time in a historically appropriate variant.
On the front cover, the person peeking out from behind the curtain covers most of the landscape in the background. On the back cover you can see this landscape - but by night...
Spreads featuring the timeline, illustrations and typographic theme of each of the books.
These are a sample of what the endpaper in each of the books looks like...